Car Statistics Ireland

The total number of taxed vehicles recorded on Irish roads at the end of 2016 was
This was an an increase of 54,664 vehicles (2.13%) on 2015 .
The split of vehicle numbers in 2016 was :

  • 2,026,977 private cars,
  • 342,259 goods vehicles,
  • 79,871  agricultural tractors
  • 38,023 motorcycles


The number of cars in Ireland has more than doubled since 1995 – having increased from  990,384 to 2,026,997.

The most popular engine size in Irish cars was 1.3 to 1.4l  – with 285 thousand cars with this engine size. In second place was engine sizes 1.5 to 1.6l (172,000)  The next most popular engine size was 1.9 to 2.0 l (108,000)

Just under half of all cars (  1,000,488   ) in Ireland are  taxed based on their Co2 emissions rating.
There are 84.56% of vehicles based in the ‘A’ and ‘B’ CO2 bands less than 141 g/km

A total of 181,293 new vehicles were taxed in 2016 – this was an increase of 27,443 (17.83%) on 2015.
78% of private cars in Ireland are 4 years old and over while 66.9% are 6 years old and over.

Details of current Car Tax Rates in Ireland here